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    Instagram is your home away from home

    Let Shor help you turn your social media profile into a compelling sales force
    • Optimized online marketing
    • Micro landing pages
    • Streamlined design

    Drive traffic and conversions through social media with Shor

    Are you ready to market your business with some of the largest social media tools on the planet? That's exactly what Shor does. Building eye-catching and captivating landing pages, Shor creates micro versions of your most important links wherever you need them.

    Quick and easy to set up, Shor prides itself on a simple creation process that takes less than 10 minutes! Fill three small sections and you're ready to launch. Shor lets you build custom pages that highlight whatever you want, sharing contacts, blog posts, videos, contact information, and more. Get ready to tap into TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to rocket launch your business.

    • Social media integration
    • Unified link index
    • Fully customized block designs
    • Easily accessible subscriptions
    • Cut-and-paste simple design
    • Monetized snapchat links
    • YouTube, Switch, and Patreon links
    • ShorPage signatures

    What does Shor have to offer for the real estate agent?

    Shor is perfectly built for online marketing and advertising. Turn your Instagram into a micro landing page for your business that leads your clients in the right direction. Combine every important link in one fancy page!

    Shor features and benefits

    Social media is used by over 3 billion people on the planet. Shor allows you to quickly and easily tap into that market, across numerous platforms, and turn social media users into visitors and then into customers.

    Try Shor for the real estate agent

    Are you ready to multiply your traffic and conversion rate by the dozens? Utilize Shor's social media marketing platform by registering for free now!
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    Shor frequently asked questions

    • You could try complicated coding or internet shortcuts. Or you could use Shor, that lets you fill your Instagram with every integral link you need and look good doing so.

    • When you try to cut-and-paste or links that will keep things fresh, you can get dead links or the inability to share multiple links. Not with Shor! Keep your Instagram constantly updated.

    • You can go through the motions of lots of complicated and confusing copy-paste rules or sign up for Shor and start sharing clickable links in minutes.

    • Shor makes it so easy! It doesn't matter what you want to share, from images, to videos, to songs. Share what YOU want!

    • Don't over complicate the process. No more needing to sift through the app and bounce back and forth between in-app features. Use Shor to make it quick and easy.

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